Financial Aid

On 21/12/2023,  ALPHA IRAQ distributed sample amounts totaling 100,000 Iraqi Dinars, equivalent to 85 US dollars, to 75 underprivileged displaced families from the residents of Jarf Al-Sakhr city in the Baghdad Governorate. The region of Jarf Al-Sakhr, currently...

Alpha’s Team Visit to the EOC-Baghdad

ALPHA team visit to the Emergency Operational Center (EOC-Baghdad) responsible for strategic direction, operational decisions, and control of field assets.Our Iraqi medical team hopes for a fruitful collaboration with EOC Baghdad in training for emergency response....

Alpha’s First Webinar Winner

Congratulation to Dr. Abd el Aziz al Issaoui the first draw winner ofthe tooth filling kit offered, after each webinar session, by SAN Erbil dentistry company. Thanks to the participant and lecturer and special cheers to SANErbil for their constant support.

Only through education will the country thrive

ALPHA Iraq held an educational workshop for the school support program for the staff ofthe educational center in Baghdad, and volunteer teachers from Fallujah governorate for 5days via zoom"

Eid‘s Joy

Jannat Al-Hareya Foundation cooperated with Hayat Volunteer Team and the Humanitarian Rehabilitation Association to provide Eid clothes and gifts and distribute them to orphans and the needy

Making Good Use of the Space

ALPHA Iraq team transformed its office located in al sayydiah, a district in Baghdad hosting a large population of IDPs since 2017 , into a classroom equipped with a smart board to offer remedial lessons to IDP students and trainings on the smart board to their...

Learning Support

Let the learning support begin! With the classroom opening in Al Saydiya, Baghdad, neighborhood students are enrolling to benefit from support lessons from Math to Arabic

A Thanks Letter

Letters of thanks for our efforts and collaborations with the Government

the National Youth Programs Competition

We are proud to announce that our organization, “Alpha Iraq,” in collaboration with the “Green Gold Team,” has won in the National Youth Programs Competition, which was sponsored by the esteemed Prime Minister. Our program was selected as one of the top 100 programs out of 1,000 submitted by organizations and volunteer teams. This unprecedented initiative in Iraq reflects significant support for organizations and volunteer teams as key partners in the development of youth and society. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this achievement