An Overview to Alpha Iraq’s Achievements

One of our main achievements in 2018 is drinking-water sanitation in 4 IDP camps, Abu Ghraib district, donor Secours Catholique – Caritas France. 573 families, 2610 individuals have had access to sanitized drinking water and have received hygiene kits. During this mission, the team identified 40 cases of scabies, 50 cases of child malnutrition, and 2 cases of cholera who were referred to the Health Authorities, Abu Ghraib.

Installing R.O system

Water testing after sanitation

Another achievement is repairing the roof of a public school, distribution of school bags and stationery.

The mayor of Beni Zeid village, al karma district, 40 Km west of Baghdad, contacted the ALPHA IRAQ team and asked to support the reparation of the elementary public-school roof. The team collected private donations, provided construction material, and involved the local population in the work. With the money left team provided schoolbags and stationery to the 200 elementary school pupils.

Involving inhabitants in reparations

Initiating socially vulnerable children to oral health in collaboration with al Rachid dentistry college

In collaboration with the students of Al Rachid dentistry college, the ALPHA IRAQ team visited an orphanage in Baghdad, the Iraqi House of Creativity, managed by Hisham Al Zhahabi. The team provided dental examinations, awareness sessions on oral health, distributed brochures, toothbrushes, and toothpaste, clothing, and stationery to 200 young boys and girls. The team also established a referral system to treat cases requiring follow-up in the Al Rachid university clinic.

As for 2019 and 2020

ALPHA Iraq refurbished and equipped the camp dispensary team established a patient file system, hired, and trained two women living in the Al-Ah Abu Ghraib camp as the receptionist and a cleaning person, provided medical items, and administrated the dispensary for 12 months .

Mold at the health center before restoration


Refurbishment works

The team established a patient file system, hired, and trained two women living in the camp as the receptionist and a cleaning person, provided medical items and administrate the dispensary for nine months.

Patient reception

Alpha Iraq’s team also implemented a referral system with a network of private doctors volunteers who treated emergency cases for free






In May 2020

Covid prevention campaign, in al shams and al Ahl camp Abu Ghraib, collaboration with a local Iraqi association Noor ALA Noor  charity organization and the Iraqi medical support team IMST .

Camp sterilization and disinfection, awareness campaign, items distribution including food baskets, toys, medicines, and cooling devices.

                                             Toys distribution

As part of Alpha Iraq’s sanitary mission in Iraq, after having built the Al Ahl Camp dispensary in Abu Ghraib and having disinfected it, every 15 days our teams monitor Covid19 cases to prevent the spread of the virus .

After handing over the Al-Ahl Camp Dispensary (Abu Ghraib) to the health authorities, the Alpha Iraq team continues its mission in the field of health care, where the IDPs were handed their personal medical files, and patients were encouraged to understand the use of the file. Teach them how to keep it in order to mitigate the risks of malpractice and be aware of their medical history.

In June 2020

Covid prevention campaign, in Al shams camp, Abu Ghraib, donor “Secours Catholique Français” CARITAS France. Camp sanitation, door-to-door awareness campaign, and hygiene kit distribution and  food baskets the number of beneficiaries is 140 families

From July till September 2020

Covid 19 door-to-door sensibilization campaign, food security, and hygiene awareness, in three villages, al Anbar governorate, Fallujah district. Donor “Secours Catholique Français” French Catholic Relief CARITAS France. Total Number of beneficiaries 7310 individuals. Trainees 15, medical team 7.